A Nicotine-Free Generation policy is about sales, not purchase, use or possession. The act of smoking is never criminalized, and the enforcement is on sellers, not buyers.
A Nicotine-Free Generation policy is a good option for communities who have already taken significant steps to address the harms of commercial tobacco.
This policy:
Focuses on prevention for the next generation;
Allows access to tobacco for all existing adult tobacco users;
Gives retailers time to adjust, as the market only declines marginally each year;
Denormalizes nicotine use as the number of users decreases; and,
Widens the gap between children and those who can be legally sold tobacco as the minimum age for sales increases.
The Solution

Removing products from the market to protect public health.
Asbestos, lead in paint and in gas, and lawn darts are examples of products banned due to proven adverse health impacts.
Tobacco use the leading cause of preventable disease and death. More than 5,000 Minnesotans lose their lives every year due to tobacco.
Removing tobacco from the marketplace for a new generation will save lives.